How to setup Tailwind CSS in a Django project

In this guide I’ll show you how to quickly setup Tailwind in your Django project.

Why Tailwind?

As someone who used to use Bootstrap in most projects, at first I was reluctant to change that for the new shiny css framework out there. But once I gave Tailwind a try, I stuck with it for 3 main reasons:

Without Tailwind - This page went from a decent performance score of 82,

before using Tailwind

to a highly optimized 94 (With Tailwind!)

after using Tailwind

How to setup Tailwind CSS with Django

I’m assuming you already have a Django project set up.

Configuring Tailwind

add a directory named css_config (you can call it whatever you want) at the root level of your django project, cd into it and run the following commands:

mkdir css_config
cd css_config
npm init -y
npm install tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init

Here’s what each of the commands mean:

after running all those commands you’ll see all the following new files and directories in your project

tailwind setup with Django showing the files that have been created: package.json and tailwind.config.js

you should add node_modules to the .gitignore file


Next, update the content array in tailwind.config.js to include paths to your Django templates.

content: [

Note: Include paths as needed according to the location of template files in your project.

Integrating Tailwind into Your Django Templates

Create the input.css file in your static directory, e.g., /path-to/static/css**/input.css**, and include the following Tailwind directives:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

note: make sure to replace /path-to/static/css/ with the actual path to your static css assets.

Building Your CSS

To compile your CSS, add a script to your package.json:

"scripts": {
    "tailwind-watch": "tailwindcss -i ../path-to/static/css/input.css -o ../path-to/static/css/output.css --watch",
    "tailwind-build": "tailwindcss -i ../path-to/static/css/input.css -o ../path-to/static/css/output.css --minify"

note: make sure to replace /path-to/static/css/ with the actual path for input.css and output.css

Including Tailwind in Your Templates

You’re almost done. Now all you need is to load the css in your templates (like with any other css)

so make sure you include this at the top of you template

{% load static %}

and import the output.css file that’s generated from previous steps (and make sure the path matches the file location!!)

<link href="{% static 'path-to/css/output.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">

replace path-to/css/output.css with the path used in the package.json scripts.

Generating the Tailwind output.css file

In one tab you should have the django server running

python runserver

and in another tab, run the following command, which we defined earlier in the package.json scripts.

Note: To run this command you need to be in the css_config directory:

npm run tailwind-watch

This command will scan your template files for classes and build your CSS.

If it’s the first time running this command, you’ll see that the file output.css has been created at the path you defined in previous steps.

The tailwind-build command (also defined in package.json) should be used when you’re ready to commit your changes. This will minify the css, reducing the file size, and therefore optimizing page load times.

You’re all set! 👏👏👏👏

Your Django project is now integrated with Tailwind CSS! 🥳

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